Monday, May 5, 2008

~Happy Cinco De Mayo Day~

Happy Cinco De Mayo Day to all of you... I remember when I was a child and we made flowers with cray paper. We would stick the paper on the end of the pencil and stick it into glue. The joys of being a child... Today is a beautiful sunny day out! No work for me today...

I should be packing but as of this moment I haven't accomplished much. We were trying out a business adventure (group home). We decided that currently it's not the best option for us. Mainly because we would need to buy the home. At this time with the economy we don't think the house is worth what the seller is asking. Also it's a very demanding job. My husband and I have FT careers and the group home is also a ft job. Taking care of clients with mental health can be very straining. My caseload is mainly 90% mental health also. I enjoy working with my clients and I enjoy my residents but I need a break at times. Where we are currently living in the group home it's a 24/7 job.

We will be moving back into our home... (Home Sweet Home)... I am looking forward to planting a garden again this year. I am also looking forward to getting into my painting and art work more also. I will sign off for now I hope all of you enjoy your day~

~Smiles Kimbella~ :)))

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