Saturday, April 26, 2008


Don't forget to check out my Art Work on E-bay! These angels on canvas go off auction on Sunday. The wind sure is whipping around this morning! I told you I would just a "quick sleep", thanks to my brother. He calls me at 8:00am, aren't you up yet? No, oh, I will let you go back to sleep. Now, for me once I am awake there is no getting back to sleep. So, here I am... That's OK, I wanted to wake up early. Usually I get up when hubby gets home. This morning evidently I was too tired. I remember hearing him talking with the girlz (dogs)... Our two ladies have been snippy with each other lately? Flicka, the greyhound has been yelping from her arthritis. I am not sure why yesterday compared to the whole winter? Just a reminder to us how old she is getting. She is 10 years old I believe. She loves me so much...

Oh, by the way I read in the morning paper today that Oil could hit $200.00 per barrel?????? Frankly, this is outrageous, and disgusting. They say that the middle class are driving the prices up. They want fine dining, I don't buy it for a minute.

OK, I will sign off as I need to get lots of things done today... Happy Trails...
~Smiles Kimbella~ :)))

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh poor Flicka. The old gal must be felling it and she has a right to be hurts.

Ya know they have medicine for dogs, for arthritis?

Oil going to 200 bucks a gallon! That is outragous!! The middle class driving it up, yeah...that is a good excuse!

Have a great day, Kim.

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